The Muneer Social Welfare Society is committed to high standards of accountability and transparency in working effectively for the well-being of underprivileged communities. Our work began in 1992 in Delhi by Dr. Asad Masih and Mrs. Shuvra Masih, who are originally from West Bengal but migrated to Delhi. In course of time, Muneer was officially registered on 10th May 1995, under the Societies Act 1860 in New Delhi. Well, Muneer’s beginning work was in Delhi and expanded into other states of India namely: Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Tripura & Madhya Pradesh. Muneer responds to the needs of the poor and marginalized through projects that include Health, Family Planning promotion, Education for children, Adult Literacy, Community Empowerment, women Self Help Groups (SHGs), Savings and Micro-Credit schemes, Vocational Training and Emergency Relief and Disaster Mitigation. Muneer is known for its professional approach in successfully developing and uplifting the needy people in seven states of India. Muneer serves all people regardless of caste, race, ethnicity, religion or gender. Spread across seven states in India, we work through long-term sustainable community development programs and immediate disaster relief assistance.
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Brief History

During 2018-19, Muneer has had 107 staffs (45 paid staffs and 62 associates) who have been rendering service voluntarily for the achievement of goals of the society. Delhi is the Head Office of The Muneer Social Welfare Society and having its branch offices in West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. At present itimplements nearly 14 projects in seven states of India. The prime objective of Muneer is to mobilize efforts for overall development of weaker and marginalized section of society. People from almost all the streams have joined the society to promote aims and objectives of the society in order to bring community transformation among needy people in our country India.
“We believe we are called to serve the poor in our nation, empowering and celebrating life in community where dignity, freedom and justice prevail.”
“हम विश्वास करते हैं की हमें बुलाया गया है, हमारे देश में गरीबों की सेवा करने, समुदाय को सशक्त बनाने एवं उसमें जश्न की ज़िंदगी लाने के लिए, जहां मर्यादा, स्वतंत्रता और न्याय प्रबल हो।”
Goal / लक्ष्य
“Smile on every face”
“हर चेहरे पर मुस्कान”
Objectives / उद्देश्य
- To promote brotherhood, communal harmony, national integration and peace.
- To provide formal (Primary to Secondary) & Non-formal education to the street and working children of deprived section (SC/ST & Backward Classes) of the society and establish Teacher’s training, B.Ed. training for the welfare of the general public.
- To promote literacy among adults, illiterate and counseling for adolescents & needy people.
- To make people aware of general health, legal, social & other current issues & educate them to protect themselves & family members from common illnesses and construct and develop community hall, health care centers, Charitable Dispensaries, hospitals, public toilets, play ground, nursing training etc.
- To generate opportunities of Income generation among unemployed people through SHG & MED.
- To provide relief & disaster risk reduction and preparedness for the victims of any natural or man made tragedy.
- To assist people with disability (PWDs) to know their rights & livelihood.
- To help widows to live in society with their legal rights.
- To accelerate community empowerment especially for women and to raise voice against dowry.
- To provide skill development training.
- To provide Day Care Center for Old Age People.
- To provide training and research programs for pollution control, diseases caused through pollution and to maintain/develop plantation and also protest herbs, forests, environment, animals, birds and others natural gift helping to support the preservation of environment.
- To provide communities, free them from poverty where children are protected and have the opportunity to reach their full potentials and children say ‘I am safe, I am educated, I am heard, I have a future.’
Working Area

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increase access to food, grow local sio economies, and help kids.