From Chief Functionary......

‘Come and listen, all of you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for my soul.’-(Psalm 66:16). The Muneer Social Welfare Society has successfully closed off its twenty seventh commendable year. The years 1992-2019 have been years of landmark and achievements for us. As I look back and recall the miracles done by Almighty God for us, it fills my heart with gratitude towards Him. All these years have been a time filled with joy and struggles and memories of milestones achieved.

Our Genesis was nothing but during all these years He has lifted us for His glory. We started from a slum named Sanjay Amar Colony in Delhi and today Muneer has spread i t s wings to seven states of India – Delhi, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Tripura. Initially, we commenced with just two social programs-literacy and tailoring but today Muneer has extended its services to fourteen different social development projects which include- Health, Child Development, Education, Community Development, Disaster Relief, etc. All of these programs focus on sustaining the lives of our people and we emphasize on both, individual and community empowerment. We believe that it is very important to make every individual capable enough that they could stand on their feet.

Much has been achieved and yet there is much more that is to be achieved in the following years. There are many deprived, needy and marginalized people in this nation who are the victims of unjust and iniquitous society and must be brought in the light of transformation. The road ahead is filled with difficulties but Muneer is prepared to win all the challenges. It’s my pleasure to tell you that this year MSWS has served to approx. 2,73,984 people (45,664 direct and 2,28,320 indirect beneficiaries. I now take this opportunity to sincerely thank all my present and former co-workers through the twenty eight years, who have helped in fulfilling our vision ‘We believe we are called to serve the poor in our nation, empowering and celebrating life in community where dignity, freedom and justice prevail.’

Without them, Muneer would not have been such a success story. I also express my gratitude and congratulate to all the present and past Governing Board and General Body members for their continuous prayers, support, inputs and guidance through the past years. I would also like to express my gratitude to all our national & international donors and partners who have supported us cheerfully and also the well wishers, whose support has been influential in helping us to reach thus far.

As we look ahead to the coming years with a sense of excitement, let us do the rightful, be just, love with mercy and walk humbly. The Muneer Social Welfare Society was, is and will always be dedicated to serve all the poor with love and compassion so that they in turn will become a service to mankind someday. Let’s all stand firm in our commitment and join our hands together as a family to serve mankind and bring ‘Smile on Every Face.’

Rev. Dr. Asad Masih
Founder & Chief Functionary
The Muneer Social Welfare Society

From Chairman......

We are thankful to God for continuing to use The Muneer Social Welfare Society to bring well being to thousands over the years and also in coming generation. The development momentum has continued even where we have completed the project and withdrawn from active involvement.

The challenges have been opportunities to improve and build expertise in the relevant field. Our partners have contributed much in the capacity building of our staff and in the operations management. Over the time we have experienced that education is an investment that continues to pay dividends for many years to come and in many different ways. The benefits accrue not only to the person who received education but to the whole society and economy to which he belongs.

The looming economic recession surely affects the diversified population of India but as a matter of fact it is the poor who lose their meager sustenance. Those in the unorganized sector have no security to fall back on. We have to connect these people on the fringe to the resources and opportunities. Under the socio economic stress the empowerment of the communities done over the years in the past is also put to test. One example of empowerment through disaster preparedness is when villagers learnt to collect the flowing timber in the floods, they devised a way to create an opportunity in the ongoing circumstances and they made good profit out of an apparent disaster.

At present, The Muneer Social Welfare Society is seeking for supporting partners to launch new initiatives in areas of need. An economic recession cannot be a reason to ignore the poor. Instead it is the most important reason to do more for the vulnerable. According to the recent Economics Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee it actually builds the economy. Investing in the poor especially when the economy is slow is a driver of sustained economic growth of the nation.

Mr. Joy Julius Raj
The Muneer Social Welfare Society

MSWS is registered with GuideStarIndia


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Target Groups

Women and Young Girls

People with Disabilities

Poor and Marginalized


Urban Slum Communities

Rural Communities

HIV Infected Individuals and Families

Socially Excluded

Tribal Communities

Strategic Focus

Capacity Building

Community Empowerment

Disaster Management & DRR


Emergency Relief

Environment (Awareness)


Human Trafficking

Old Age Home (Apna Ghar)

People with Disability

Rural & Urban Poverty

Vocational Training

VSLA-Self Help Groups

Women & Child welfare


Project at a Glance

Grace Academy

A Primary School at Loni, Uttar Pradesh

Dishari - 3

Disaster Risk Reduction, Emergency Relief & Advocacy Program, West Bengal


Muneer Child Development Center & Muneer Child Survival Program at rural areas, West Bengal


Integrated Sustainable Development in Assam, Madhya Pradesh & Tripura


Self Help Group promotion & Village Savings Loan Association at Samastipur, Bihar and at Medinipur, West Bengal

Ujjiyala 2

A community development and Disaster Mitigation program at Samastipur, Bihar

Vocational Training

Beauty Parlor, Tailoring, Computer and Jewellery making in Bihar, West Bengal, Tripura and Assam.

Non - Formal Education

Non – Formal Education (NFE) in all project areas.

Research/Survey & Training

Educational Research/Survey & Training in U.P. & West Bengal


Slum Development Committee and Community Empowerment program in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.

Emergency Relief & Medical Camp in all project areas

Muneer Children Home (MCH)

A home for poor and destitute girl children in Delhi.

Our causes

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