Muneer Children Home was previously known as Muneer Balika Ashralaya, is located at B-18 Second Floor, New Delhi-110008. It’s a hostel for girls mostly orphaned, semi-orphaned and are from very poor families. It was started after fire tragedy occurred in 1999 at Sanjaya Amar Colony (now it’s destroyed). There are 25 girls between the age group of 5-15 years at home. They are being provided with free education, food and shelter. Regular medical check-up is being organized for the girls. Apart from that, they learn vocational training such as tailoring, art & craft, beautician course, oil painting, music and computer and overall development. These children are studying at Govt. nursery, Primary and GGSSS School. These girls children are so happy with the service receive by Muneer. It had been run under the supervision of CWC, New Delhi.