1. This Self Help Group is from Pingla, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, comprising of 15 SHG members. This SHG is using the Govt. resources and privileges for development of the society. Now they have undertaken a scheme called TPP (Trees Plantation Program) and plant the trees at the roads side as per the instruction received from West Bengal Government. These SHG members take care for it, pouring water, fertilizing, till it grows up. For that work they receive some amount monthly and deposit it in the bank. Then they got an Annual loan from Co-operative Bank, after that they distributed the money among themselves (among each member). As per their capability and available resources they are investing it for 3 months, 6 months & 9 months. Afterward they receive the profit in which they have invested. Right from the beginning till date, they receive some amount as profit. Their all hard works have been rewarded at final.
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2. Manju, Samastipur, Bihar, lives with her husband and 2 children. They have a plot of land which was not utilized for farming as her husband was mostly busy in labour work in others field. In September 2016, Manju received training on kitchen garden cultivation from Prayas, a local NGO. With this training and technical support from Muneer staff she started vegetable cultivation with ten other group members. Towards the end of November 2017 she was able to earn a profit of Rs. 1500 p.m. By the end of March 2018, her monthly income is Rs. 2500-3000/- per month. Her business is increasing and can send her children to school. She is a great help for her husband financially and the family so happy and doing well. By seeing her small vegetable business, the women from the village are encouraged and Manju guides them how to do the business and became a source of inspiration. Manju says “Now I know that vegetable cultivation is a profitable business and I am interested to continue.”

3. Kamani Devi
W/o- Mr. Vinod Kumar
Rampur, Samastipur
‘I am Mrs. Kamani Devi. My husband works as laborer in a factory in Kolkata. I am staying with my three children-two daughters, one son and my father-in-law and Mother-in-law. Since my husband’s income is very low, he sends little money to us for family expenses. For that reason, I had to work at others cultivation fields to earn some money. It’s really a great challenge and difficult for me to provide good food to my children at house. I heard that, there’s a VSLA group has been running by a society named The Muneer at our neighborhood. I had no knowledge about its meaning but Muneer social workers explained it benefits. So, I joined in that SHG and started saving money. After few months, I took loan from our VSLA and purchased a cow. I sold milk at morning and evening and got good income through selling milk. I repaid the money that I took loan from VSLA. Now, my financial situation is changed within months. My whole family members are so happy with my decision and efforts. Now, I can provide good food to my family members and I convey my gratitude to Muneer staffs for helping me to stand in my own leg economically in my village.’